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Node-SASS Compiler Update for Stencil Themes

Have you received the following notice from BigCommerce, either by email or in your control panel?

Action required: Security upgrades that affect your store theme

BigCommerce is preparing to deprecate our current SASS compiler, node-sass fork, in favor of the more modern node-sass, which will allow us to support the latest versions of Node (Node 18) in Stencil CLI. If you’re not familiar, SASS is a technology used to generate CSS stylesheets that control the styling of your storefront. This upgrade is necessary to ensure the security of our platform going forward, and to ensure we’re not running any out-of-date software which may be at additional risk for security vulnerabilities.


If you received this message, your theme has been identified as needing an update to prepare for this change. BigCommerce is sunsetting node-sass on 11/1/2023, so your theme needs to be updated before then to avoid styling issues (ie your design breaking).

How to Update Your Theme

I am currently offering the required update to existing clients only. The cost is $1000 per store/theme.

To sign up for the update, please complete this form. You can also access the signup form using the QR code below.