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Migrating to V3 & Re-Importing Your Options

Go to Products > View and edit any product. You should now see a message at the top of the page which allows you to upgrade to V3. Click the Update Now to proceed.

Next you will import all your original options and SKUs in V3.

NOTE ABOUT SHARED OPTIONS: V3 does not support the importing of shared options. The steps below will create individual options tied to each product. If you wish to use shared options for all your products, you’ll need to create them in the control panel and then assign them to each product manually. If that is your situation, do not use these instructions and click here instead. If you only use shared options for some products, proceed with the steps below and then use the Shared Options instructions for those specific products.
Open the backup file you saved with all your products and SKUs and make the following changes. Do not sort your spreadsheet or the import won’t work properly. Make sure to leave all the rows in their original order.
  1. Find the Product ID column. If you haven’t customized your export file, it should be Column B.
  2. Delete the numeric ID for any row that says SKU in Column A. DO NOT delete the numeric ID for any rows that say Product in Column A.
  3. Look for any rows that say RULE in Column B. If any of your rules add or subtract from the product’s price, weight or dimensions, you’ll need to change those to FIXED rules. V3 does not support adding or subtracting type rules. For example, let’s say you have a product that is $10. If you have a rule that says “[ADD]3” in the price column, you’ll need to change it to “[FIXED]13”.
  4. Find the Option Set column. If you haven’t customized your export file, it should be Column I.
  5. Delete all option set names from this column.
  6. Save your file.
  7. Go to Products > Import in the control panel.
  8. Browse to find the file on your computer and select it.
  9. Where it says Import Options, check the box that says “File was exported using the ‘Bulk Edit’ template”. This is very important!
  10. Click Next to proceed.
  11. Make sure all the columns are mapped properly and that you can see all your image columns at the bottom. If you don’t see fields for images, you didn’t complete Step 9 properly. Go back and restart the import process.
  12. Note: If your products and/or options have UPCs, I suggest setting that field to “Ignore”.
  13. Click Next to proceed and then click Start Import.

If you’ve followed the steps correctly, your products should now have all their original options. Check at least a few products to ensure that’s the case. Also make sure that any price or weight change rules were properly applied. You may need to make some manual changes if some options, SKUs or rules didn’t come through as expected.

For those who don’t use shared options, configurable fields or non-required options, you are now upgraded to V3! Congrats!

If you need to set up shared options, configurable fields or non-required options, follow the next steps as needed to finish your upgrade.